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Acquired Brain Injury

An acquired brain injury can significantly alter the lives of the individual affected, as well as their family and broader social circle.

We recognize the emotional and practical challenges that come with managing the unexpected consequences of sudden brain damage. Our dedicated care assistants offer high-quality home care services to support both caregivers and their loved ones as they navigate these adjustments.

Understanding that each person’s journey is unique, we prioritize attentive listening to your needs and aspirations. We craft personalized care and support plans tailored to help you achieve your goals. Our caring assistants can assist with various aspects, including:

  • Providing support to relearn essential life skills such as walking, talking, and recognition.
  • Offering personal care to maintain your appearance and well-being and prevent skin damage.
  • Assisting with the administration of prescribed medications at the correct times.
  • Fostering confidence towards greater independence and participation in the local community.
  • Ensuring a healthy diet by providing nutritious meals.
  • Supporting children in adjusting to changes in their family dynamics.
  • Assisting with household tasks.
  • Offering respite care, providing caregivers with much-needed breaks.
  • Developing emergency plans for situations where the primary caregiver falls ill.

In addition to practical assistance, our compassionate care assistants are also available to offer invaluable emotional support, lending a sympathetic ear to share worries and concerns.